Friday, November 28, 2008

week 3 blogging questions

Q1.what style of genre is your book?Tell us why you think this is by giving an example.
A1.the genre of my book is family going through with an issue, Heidi has a mentally disabled mum,Bernadette is Heidi's carer.
Q2.Write your own blurb,tells the a story in a brief paragraph.
A2.heidi is on aquest.she has a mentallyy disabled mother.heidi doesnt know when her birthday is or who her father is.she has bernedette to take care of her and her mum.heidi travels cross country in search of the secrets of her past.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

my own blurb

Heidi gets ready for a trip cross country to Hilltop home, liberty, New York to find out who her dad is and her Grammy is, then theres a strange word in her vocabulary that starts to make Heidi wonder what it means.
By Sienna

my own blurb

heidi doesnt know her past she wants to find out then her disabled mother say something and it began to haunt her. What does it mean, will it help her find out her past?

by Tori

Week 3 blogging questions!

What style of genre is your book? tell us why you think this by giving and example!
The genre in my book is a family going through an issue , because heidi has a disabled mum with a carer called bernadette. for an examlpe it would be a family book because its about (kinder of) a family going through a hard time.
write your own blurb that tells the story in a brief paragraph.
heidi is a girl with a mum that learns everything everyday!but heidis mum has an unusual name and she can only say a small about of words. heidi is on a Quest to find what her mums words mean and she is on a Qeast to find a bit about her past!

So be it week 3 questions

Q1 What is the style of genre in your book? Tell us why you think this is by giving an example.
My books style of genre is a mystery cause she goes on a quest to find the secrets of her past.

Q2 Write your own blurd that tells the story in a brief paragraph.
Hidi is on a quest to find the secrets of her past. Her disabled mother says a strange word and it beings to haunt her. Dette her next door neighbour is there to help out the family. As Hidi goes along pieces of her history comes together.


genre style.

So be it ia a mystery kind of story because heidi does not know her birthday and heidi does not know her father.

by Tori

genre style

I think the genre style of my book is a mystery because theres this word that you want to find out and you want to read more, the word is "Soof" heres an example - "Whats soof mama?"
By sienna

Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 2 blogging questtions

What is the setting of the book?
The setting of this book is in Heidi's house, and a little bit of outside and in the shopping centre.
What is the theme of the book?
The theme of the book is a girl with a disabled mum who hs help wiht a lady wich lives infront of the girl (Heidi) and her mum.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

describe the main character

main character:
Heidi is a girl . She is an only child with an disabled mum and a father who she doesn't know of.Heidi has bernadette to take care of her and her mum. I would say she likes reading she can also tell if anyone is telling the truth or lieing by looking into anyone eyes, and she has a friend called zander!


setting & theme

Where is the setting of so b it?
so b it is in a apartment block in Reno.Next door is Bernadette's place.
What is the theme of So B. It?

The theme of so b it is like a nightmare Heidi is forced into employment. Bernette is in charge of the family yet can not go outside because of her A.P causing more stuff for Heidi to do. So B. It/ Mama can not to much more then say 23 words and colour during school time.


Sobeit week 2

Q1. What is the setting of your book? Hidi lives with her mother at home and Bernadette her next door neighbour.

Q2. What is the theam of your book and why? give 2 good answers from your book and why. Hidi sets out on a cross crountry journey to find the secrets of her past. As she goes along peices of her puzzling history come together. But it isn't util she learns to accept not knowing that Hidi truly arrives.


Friday, November 14, 2008

the theme of So b. it

The theme of So b. it is Heidi has a mum who is mentally disabled and doesn't know who her father is. so Heidi goes on a request to find out her past, here is two good reasons about about her father and mother, example 1 - " One thing i know for a fact was that i don't have a father."example 2- "Your mum is working up a royal rimple although she does it on a number of occasions."

the setting of the book

The setting of the book - So b. it is in an apartment block in Reno the people who live in the apartment are Heidi and Mama next door to them is Bernadette who has A.P who found a connected door to their apartment.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

so be it week 1 questions

Q1 . Describe the main characters in your book so far. Tell us about their personalities in detail. The charaters are Hidi she is helpful and a nice girl. Bernadette she is loving and caring and takes care of Hidi cause her mum is disabled. Mamma she likes to open cat food and tuna cans.

Q2 . What are the troubles and highlights in the main characters life? Describe them
Hidi she doesn't know when her birthday is and she doesn't know her father, but the good points are berndette is there to help.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blog Questions week 2

Where is the setting of So B. It?
The setting of So B. It is in a quiet little apartment. In the apartment their lives Heidi, Mama/So B. It and Bernadette. The apartment is around the corner of the grocery store and Sudsy Duds Laundromat. In the apartment Bernadette teaches both Heidie and Mama New things.
Another setting is Hilltop Home in Liberty New York.
What is the theme of So B. It?
The theme of my book is like a never ending nightmare. Heidi is forced into employment. Bernette is in charge of the family yet can not go outside because of her A.P causing more stuff for Heidi to do. So B. It/ Mama can not to much more then say 23 words and colour during school time. Sigh!

Describe Main Character

heidi is a girl who deos not really think without thinking. she is an only child with an disabled mum and a father who she deosent know of. i would say she likes reading she can also tell if anyone is telling the truth or lieing by looking into anyone eyes, and she has a friend called zander!

Week 1 Questions

Heidi: Heidi is only young. She lives with her mum and Bernette. Heidi likes to think outside the square eg. what the dinosaur skin colour looks like. She has a big heart. Heidi loves her mother so much she would do anything for her.
Bernette: Bernette is a caring guardian for Heidi and So B. It. Bernette had taught Mama to do various things useful in real life. Bernette A.P.
So B. It: Mama(So B. It) is mentally disabled. She can only say 23 words. So B. It has trouble remembering her past.
*Her mother is mentally disabled.
*She has only 1 friend named Zander.
*She cant explore her neighbourhood.
*She doesn't know how old she is or when her birthday is.
*She cant remember her past or her father.
*Her 3 person family is poor.
*Her mother loves her.
*She can go shopping
*She loves it when Zander tells her story's.
*Shes lucky in gambling.



  • -her mother is disabled
  • -doesnt no who her father is
  • -heidi is an only child
  • -heidi doesnt know when her birthday is-her mum keeps saying "soof" ,heidi doesnt know what it means.


Troubles and highlights

Heidi is a girl who loves her mum but her mum keeps saying a word called "soof!" and Heidi really wants to know what it means and her mum can’t tell her because she only knows 23 words. The things that trouble Heidi is that she don’t know much about her past so she gets upset and she can’t ask anyone because no one know it. She wants to know about her granny, what soof means and things about so b. it which is her mum

Friday, November 7, 2008

troubles and highlights

Heidi's troubles are only having $10 a week to spend with, her mum is mentally disabled and cant look after her, since her mum is mentally disabled its hard trying to get money except when she babysits for kids on her floor . Heidi's highlights are having Bernie act like her mum, when Bernie and Heidi tucks Mama in, when Bernie teaches her stuff, reads her stories, teaches Mama stuff and tucks her in.
By Sienna

describe the main characters

Heidi- Wants to find out her past and find out who her dad is and when her birthday is, then Heidi sets out cross country to find out her past. Heidi is also really eager to find out her stuff like her past.

Bernadette- Is a really helpful person, she is really eager to help Mama, she is the type of person who will never give up. Bernie will continuously help Mama until she gets it. Bernadette is like a second mother to Heidi

Mama- she is mentally disabled so she cant look after Heidi mamas only words are Heidi, so be it, good, done, no, blue, soof, out, hot, bad, shh, uh-oh, back soon, hello, dette, tea, go, ow, more, again, pretty, now and kiss sadly she doesn't know what half of these words mean.
By Sienna